Need to check long running processes on the database server and the os is AIX


Please help me with a script with which I can check long running processes on the database server and the os is AIX.

Best regards,

Hello Vishal,

Following may help.

ps -eo uid,pid,etime

R. Singh

Hello Ravinder,

If I need to sort this on the basis of elapsed time what should I do?

Additionally,is there a way that process name can also be included in this?

Best regards,

Hello Vishal,

Following may help you.

ps -eo pid,comm,cmd,start,etime

R. Singh

Thanks Ravinder! Comm is working but cmd is not working

ps -eo pid,comm,start,etime

but with cmd it's giving error

 ps -eo pid,comm,start,etime,cmd
ps: 0509-048 Flag -o was used with invalid list.
Usage: ps [-ANPaedfklmMZ] [-n namelist] [-F Format] [-o specifier[=header],...]
                [-p proclist][-G|-g grouplist] [-t termlist] [-U|-u userlist] [-c classlist] [ -T pid] [ -L pidlist]
Usage: ps [aceglnsuvwxU] [t tty] [processnumber]

Best regards,

You don't give your OS or version, so there may be subtle differences between what you have and the response you got.

Try it without the - , so:-

ps eo pid,comm,start,etime

If you are AIX, it might be:-

ps eo pid,cmd,start,etime

I hope that this helps. Have a read of your man page for ps. They are generally not the best written ones because the range of options is so wide, but persevere.
