Need simpler way to find all my disk space utilization using df -h

Hi All,

I am using SSH Tectia terminal to get the disk space utilization of a particular folder /opt/logs in all the servers one by one using the command df -h and looking through the list of folders manually to get /opt/logs folder disk space used percentage .

The problem here is , it takes lot of time to query one by one by logging in all the servers one by one using user name and password and then entering df -h for all the servers.

Can anyone give me some script as i am very newbie , which will fetch all the results by loging in to any one of the servers.

Examples of servers I used are dlp91web,dlp92web,dlp93web,...,dlp118web

Username and password that i use is :
username : axyz123 , password : 12345

Steps that i do for 1 server, screenshots attached below

step 1 :

step 2 :

step 3:

Thanks in Advance

You can setup passwordless authentication (private/public keys) and then write a simple script to iterate each host and run "df" on each one.

Another option would be a monitoring tool like Nagios or Munin but these would a bit overkill just for checking disk space.

Can you please check if you are able to do this:

  1. Log in to a server

  2. ssh <other_server_name> from the above logged in server?