Need shell script to append double quotes for each column in a file

Hi Experts,

I am beginner to the shell scripting, My requirement is to append double quotes for each column in a file if double quotes does not exist.


awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {sub("^\"", "", $i); sub("\"$", "", $i); gsub("\"", "\\\"", $i); $i="\"" $i "\""} ; print}' FS="|" OFS="|" infile


sed 's/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/"\1"/g' file


awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) gsub(/^"*|"*$/,"\"",$i)}1' FS=\| OFS=\| file

Thanks for the answers!!

But i am having problem with the first column, my file looks like below example.


except first column i have to apply the above code( as in first column data itself contains pipe(|) in the data)

so when i use above commands the first column pipes are replacing with the double quotes


So i need output like


Thanks everyone

In that case see if this works:

awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i+=2) gsub(/[^|]+/,"\"&\"",$i)}1' FS=\" OFS=\" file

I think this one with sed is ok.

sed 's/^/"/;s/\([^|]\)\([|]\)\([^|]\)/\1"\2"\3/g;s/$/"/;s/""/"/g' infile

I don't understand this one from Scrutinizer in #3

sed 's/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/"\1"/g' infile

Someone can explain ?

That replaces any substring NOT containing | nor " , be it enclosed in double quotes or not, with itself enclosed in double quotes. In the requestor's sample line that occurs 4 times.

Thanks to reply but sorry, my question was too short.
So, I try to explain my non-understanding.

If infile contain a line like that


with this command line

sed 's/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/"\1"/g' infile

sed with g at the end operate 4 times.

time 1 :

"* = ''
\([^|"]*\) = abc
"* = ''
pattern = "abc"|123"|gh-ch"|23.067"

sed stop on the | for the second pass

time 2 :

"* = ''
\([^|"]*\) = ''
"* = ''
pattern = "abc"|123"|gh-ch"|23.067"

sed stop on the | for the third pass

etc ...
and sed never stop.

It's my understanding.
It's false but I can't figure out how this work.
That's why I ask.

To obtain the same result
my command line is

sed 's/"*\([^|"]*\)"*\(|*\)/"\1"\2/g' infile


The regex


applied to


will yield the first parenthesized subexpression to be used by the back reference


Any existing double quotes will be excluded from the subexpression and thus the back reference. Does this example help you understand:

sed ' s/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/X\1X/1; p; s/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/X\1X/2; p; s/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/X\1X/3; p; s/"*\([^|"]*\)"*/X\1X/4' file
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Many tanks.
I don't know this type of back reference too


That's not a back reference, but one on the s command's flags following the replacement. info sed :