Need separate vi files in shell


I have input file below mentioned.Input file has Yahoo,gmail,yuimn etc..are websites and there are users listed under it. I have many other unique websites but i mentioned just few as below.

For example: Yahoo is website and 123,fsfd are members of website "yahoo". See below input file.All websites,users are in one column.

more input.txt




Need each wesite in separate text file with users listed on it as below.

vi yahoo


vi gmail


vi Yuimn
awk '
        NF && !/^ / {
                ofile = $1
        NF && /^ / {
                print $1 >> ofile
' input.txt
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Hi Yoda,

i have executed script and it has written nothing.

Did you check the working directory you ran this awk program and verified that there are no output files?

If there are no output files, can you run below command and post the output:-

od -c input.txt | head -10
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Just for fun, place ^I with literal tab....

(sed  -e '/^[ ^I]*$/d' -e '1s/^\([^ ^I].*\)/ cat >"\1" <<EOF/' -e '2,$s/^\([^ ^I].*\)/cat >"\1" <<EOF/' -e '/^cat/i\EOF' -e 's/^[ ^I]*//' input.txt;echo 'EOF') | sh
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Hi Yodha,

Yes there are no output files. and i ran command you have provided and below is output:

sample]$ od -c sample.out | head -10

0000000   M   S   D   A   R   G  \n  \t   a   l   e   g  \n  \t   c   l
0000020   i   n   i   c   a  \n  \t   E   D   U   B   O   S   S   I  \n
0000040  \t   m   a   r   i   o  \n  \t   t   i   g   r   e   c   a   r
0000060  \n   M   S   D   B   R   Z  \n  \t   1   0   0   0   0   0  \n
0000100  \t   1   0   0   0   1   8  \n  \t   1   0   0   0   3   4  \n
0000120  \t   1   0   0   1   3   2  \n  \t   1   0   0   1   5   8  \n
0000140  \t   1   0   0   1   8   6  \n  \t   1   0   0   1   9   7  \n
0000160  \t   1   0   0   2   1   6  \n  \t   1   0   0   2   2   7  \n
0000200  \t   1   0   0   2   6   5  \n  \t   1   0   0   2   7   9  \n
0000220  \t   1   0   0   2   8   0  \n  \t   1   0   0   3   1   0  \n

---------- Post updated at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:09 PM ----------

Hi Cjcox

i ahve run command you posted. It has created files for each users,thats not expected. It has created almost 1 million files

Your file is <TAB> delimited, whic you didn't specify nor include in your sample . Try this adaption of Yoda's script (and try it on a small subset of your data):

awk '!/^    / {OFN=$1; next} {print > OFN}' file
cf M*
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Hi Cudic,

I did't get you could you pleae elaborate your solution.

do i need to include above awk you provided in Yoda's script?

---------- Post updated at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:33 PM ----------

Hello Rudic,

I tried below it did't worked

awk '!/^ '
        NF && !/^ / {
                ofile = $1
        NF && /^ / {
                print $1 >> ofile
'   / {OFN=$1; next} {print > OFN}' test1

Does it work to satisfaction as is? If yes, why incorporate it anywhere?

It checks for leading <TAB>s. If not found, use field as a file name. If found, print line into that file.

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Try this instead since it is <TAB> separated:-

awk -F'[\t ]' '
        NF == 1 {
                ofile = $1
        NF == 2  {
                print $2 > ofile
' input.txt

EDIT: Solaris/SunOS use nawk instead.

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Can someone help me on this please? Its not working as expected

did you reallly replace the space-^I in those charset sequences with space-<tab key>?

It should work pretty much anywhere. Sp those char set sequences are either:


Sorry it's hard to see those.... you can try [[:space:]] and [[1]] if supported...

(sed  -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e '1s/^\([^[:space:]].*\)/ cat >"\1" <<EOF/' -e '2,$s/^\([^[:space:]].*\)/cat >"\1" <<EOF/' -e '/^cat/i\EOF' -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' input.txt;echo 'EOF') | sh

  1. :space: ↩︎

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If we knew WHAT is "not working as expected" there might be a chance we could help. What's your OS, shell, awk version? What's the result of applying the solutions given to the small sample file you gave in post#6?

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awk '
        NF && !/^ / {
                ofile = $1
        NF && /^ / {
                print $1 >> ofile
' input.txt

Hi buzzme ,
Yoda script is working in my OS and creating files in same directory with exact requirement and the data you provided.

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Thanks to each of you. I have made some mistake while executing.
above provided script is working as expected. Sorry for the confusion.

Hi Yoda,
what is the purpose of close(ofile) ?, Even after removing , it giving same result.

You'll see the difference when the maximum number of open files is exceeded.

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Hi Yoda,

Could you explain the logic how the awk is working.


# Set <tab> and <space> as field separators
awk -F'[\t ]' '
	# If NF (number of fields) in current input record == 1, set ofile variable = $1 (output filename)
	# next forces awk to immediately stop processing current record and go on to the next record
        NF == 1 {
                ofile = $1
	# If NF (number of fields) in current input record = 2, write record to ofile (output filename)
        NF == 2  {
                print $2 > ofile
' input.txt
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Here is a slightly different approach that closes output files when a new output file is specified in the input and uses the default field separator (any combination of contiguous <space> and <tab> characters separate fields, leading <space>s and <tab>s are ignored when counting fields). (Closing files is important if lots of files are to be created from an input file.)

awk '	# Name utility used to run this script and open the script.
NF == 0 {
	# If this is a blank line (i.e., # of fields is zero), skip to next line
	# of input.
!/^[ \t]/ {
	# if the first character on the line is not a <space> or a <tab>...
	# If the current output filename is not the empty string, close the
	# current output file.
	if(out_file)	close(out_file)
	# Set the name of the output file to use on the followng lines.
	out_file = $1
	# Skip to the next llne of input.
{	# Print the current data (assumed to be a single word) to the current
	# output file, skipping leading <space> and <tab> characters...
	print $1 > out_file
	# Note that the above replaces existing input files with new contents
	# every time a new filename is encountered.  If you want to append
	# (instead of replace), change ">" to ">>".
}' input.txt	# Close the script and name the input file(s) to be processed.

If someone wants to try this on a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or nawk .

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