Need script to pull multiple field from log file

I am hoping to get some help with a script to pull certain fields from a log file.

User update (xx6xxx P) rpt (yy6yyy B) 2010/01/20 21:36:01.298
Remote client forward start streamid 85af  2010/01/20 21:36:01.307
   rpt2 (ZZ6ZZZ G) rpt1 (YY6YYY B) urcall (CQCQCQ  ) mycall (W1AW)
   user message (hamradio  message ) mycall (W1AW) streamid 85af
   hdr f 400000 r2 XX6XXX G r1 YY6YYY B ur CQCQCQ   my KB6OYA P/91AD fc 5462 OK
Stream end   streamid 85af cnt 272 missed 0  2010/01/20 21:36:06.701

Above is a snip from a log file. I am looking to pull the info from in between the "()" after the field "mycall". I am also looking to pull the field after "user message" and the time stamp at the end of the line starting with "Stream end". This information changes frequently depending on use of the system.

Should look like this:

W1AW hamradio message 2010/01/20 21:36:06.

Also, the data after the mycall should not print out twice.

Any help would be appreciated.



The format of the log file is not clear.
Is there one message set per logfile or are there multiple messages per logfile?
Is there anything else in the logfile in a different format?
Is the message set one long message wrapped or multiple distinct lines?

This log file is generated as users transmit on a ham radio data repeater.
Below is another sample from the log file. I separated the sections that denote a given set of information that I need to pull data from. The log file is a constant stream of information. The data sets below are somewhat unique in that they dont occur unless users are accessing the system.

When a user starts a transmission the log generates a line starting with "Remote client start" or "Remoter gateway tx start" then a stream id and a time stamp. When the user stops transmitting the log generates a line starting with "Stream end" or "Remote gateway tx end" , streamid then time stamp.
Im looking to grep or awk the information after "mycall" on the line starting with "user message", in between the "()", the "user message" between "()" and the time stamp at the end of "Stream end" line.

None of the data should occur twice in the final output. That way I have a user list with no duplicates when the script is run.

I wish I could articulate what I looking for a little better.

User update (KI6KQU S) rpt (KI6KQU S) 2010/01/21 19:38:34.765
User update (W6SAT   ) rpt (KI6KQU B) 2010/01/21 19:39:05.595

Remote client forward start streamid 2511  2010/01/21 19:39:05.604
   rpt2 (KI6KQU G) rpt1 (KI6KQU B) urcall (CQCQCQ  ) mycall (W6SAT   /TED )
   user message (ID-800              ) mycall (W6SAT   ) streamid 2511
Stream end   streamid 2511 cnt 18 missed 0  2010/01/21 19:39:05.917

Remote client forward start streamid 8235  2010/01/21 19:39:12.860
   rpt2 (KI6KQU G) rpt1 (KI6KQU B) urcall (CQCQCQ  ) mycall (W6SAT   /TED )
   user message (ID-800              ) mycall (W6SAT   ) streamid 8235
Stream end   streamid 8235 cnt 19 missed 0  2010/01/21 19:39:13.202

Remote gateway tx start (REF012 A) streamid 0019  hdr BAD 2010/01/21 19:39:20.152
   rpt2 (KI6MGN G) rpt1 (REF012 A) urcall (CQCQCQ  ) mycall (W6SAT   /TED )
   user message (ID-800              ) mycall (W6SAT   ) streamid 0019
Remote gateway tx end   (REF012 A) streamid 0019 cnt 22 missed 0 2010/01/21 19:39:20.541

Remote gateway tx start (REF012 A) streamid 7d0b  hdr BAD 2010/01/21 19:39:25.024
   rpt2 (KI6MGN G) rpt1 (REF012 A) urcall (CQCQCQ  ) mycall (W6SAT   /TED )
   user message (ID-800              ) mycall (W6SAT   ) streamid 7d0b
Remote gateway tx end   (REF012 A) streamid 7d0b cnt 14 missed 0 2010/01/21 19:39:25.289

Linked gateway list: 2010/01/21 19:39:33.380
 remote gateway  call REF012 A status Linked to B
Last heard list: 2010/01/21 19:39:33

Thanks for the help


First write a quick code for your reference:

$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"} /mycall/ {split($3,a,"[()]"); print a[4],a[2] }' urfile
W6SAT    ID-800
W6SAT    ID-800
W6SAT    ID-800
W6SAT    ID-800

What's the rule to export date? Second one in every section?

Yes it the one that signals the end of the transmission. Second one.

Thanks for the help

$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"} /mycall/ {split($3,a,"[()]"); split ($4,b,"[ .]"); c=length(b);print a[4],a[2],b[c-2],b[c-1] }' urfile
W6SAT    ID-800               2010/01/21 19:39:05
W6SAT    ID-800               2010/01/21 19:39:13
W6SAT    ID-800               2010/01/21 19:39:20
W6SAT    ID-800               2010/01/21 19:39:25