Need script to make big directory structure


I'm a novice and I'd like to make a directory structure with a hundred or so folders. I've tried mkdir /foo/foo1/etc...

mkdir /foo/foo2/etc
mkdir /foo/foo3/etc
mkdir /foo/foo4/etc

...but it appends '@' to each folder name and then fails on the subdirectories. Is it better to use a looping command to repeat mkdir and then loop thru a list of folder names in an external txt file for example?

Thanks, Keith.

try using 'mkdir -p ....'

quoting 'man mkdir':

     -p        With this option, mkdir  creates dir  by  creating
               all the non-existing parent directories first. The
               mode given to intermediate directories will be the
               difference  between  777  and  the bits set in the
               file mode creation mask. The difference,  however,
               must be at least 300 (write and execute permission
               for the user).

Thanks. That helped.