need logic for java program

Hi All,
I need to to wright a java programm for the following query.
Qus: output need to genarate a number+ alphnumric sequence in java and get converted into ASCII code so that i can use mod logic on that. example
Output: like 10 digit number
so on
.so on
like that

Also i need to convert each number in to ASCII value so that i can use mod logic on each number.
Basically i am genarating referance number which is having 10 digits. also i want to take mod of each number so that i can divide referance number into to instance.
..Anybady can give me logic for that program in java only.
Need to print this pattern just give me solution for few sequence so i can wight next one also it should be very fast in performancewise.

Thanks & Regards,

Well, the digits are a 10 place array of int or char in a CapsAsDigit object, and you increment digits[0] and do the carry to any digit if they get to 26 or are 'Z', and 0-25 + 'A' is A-Z. Just write direct increment logic, not an int decode and encode. Try to avoid divides, like modulus, and multiplies. Pass the array length to the constructor.

UTF-8 or ISO_8859-1 is ACSII up to 127, so do not worry about that so much.

Is the leading 1 just a constant?

Hi Thanks for reply,
But could you give me some code regarding that it will be more helpfull for me.

I have not done much with JAVA char[], but check the Character and String API pages. We don't want to be coding if 'A' then 'B'! If you have char[10] and the char[0] == 'Z', incChar( 0 ) would set 'char[0] to 'A' and call incChar( 1 ) for a recursive solution, but you want a iterative solution since push and pop the stack costs.

Character (Java Platform SE 6)

Characters (The Java� Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Numbers and Strings)

Why do you "need" code ? Why not put in some effort yourself ? Why do you want us to spoonfeed you complete programs ?

The only way you will learn is by writing Java programs yourself, just like swimming or riding a bike. DGPickett has given you excellent directions, algorithm steps and links to the relevant Java API. That should be enough to get you started.
