Need HP-UX 11i v1 ISO dvd


I need a dvd with HP-UX 11iv1 to perform a reinstall in a rp5430. I've looking all over hp but it doesn't seem to be available for download anywhere.

Is there any possibility of obtaining an online copy??

Best regards

One thing that is sure: You will not find anything if you have no support agreement...

Did you not generate a golden image? (make_recovery tape or network...)

HP-UX 11iv1 is 10 years old. The rp5430 went End Of Support in 2006.
Might get more joy from a broker or a D.R. company.

Don't forget to make a hard copy of /var/adm/sw/.codewords and check against you records to remind you what extras were installed.

Ok, I think I will try to obtain it via a retailer.
Thank you very much both!

If you're badly stuck let me know, I should have one around here that I can take an image of it if you've somewhere you can host it?

Wouldn't get to it till after work though...