Need help with script for menu

I'm working on a script for a basic menu with four options. The first option for the menu asks a user to put in anyone's user name and is supposed to display the user's home directory. If a user does not enter a name, then their own home directory should be displayed. The second menu option is to prompt a user for their name and then send a welcome message with that same name. I am having a very, very hard time figuring out how to code the actual menu input. I am very new to Unix and find all this quite daunting. Here is the code that I have so far:

#! /bin/csh
# This is the UNIX menu script file that is for the second part of the
# take-home final.


CISS 125
Menu of Options

  1. Display all files in a user's home directory
  2. Welcome yourself to the program
  3. Display System Information
  4. Exit back to Windows

echo Please enter your choice:
read option

case $option

I'm not sure at all what to do next. I'd appreciate it if someone would please point me in the right direction. I'm guessing that I'm going to have to create another variable/read for the first menu option since the user had to input a name and that has to be read.