Need help with PKZIP


I have .tar file whose size is > 2 GB, when i tries to zip this file sometimes it compresses the file successfully, sometime it fails. How can i ensure that this file compresses successfully always?

One important point i have notice, if file size is > 2GB i am getting this problem, if filesize is less than 2 GB there is no problem.

/software/pkzip251/pkzip25 -add -password=MyPwd ${TGTDATADIR}${TARFILE}.${name_mth}${cur_yr} ${TGTDATADIR}${TARFILE}.${name_mth}${cur_yr}.tar

Usually, on a 32Bit OS, there is a addressing limit (2GB) which by extension set limits to files (single file size) etc...
Then for others there is a question of compatibility so in standard mode you are also limited to 2GB...
In other words it depends on your OS, and tools you are using...

As vbe says.
It can either be a limitation to the pkzip tool (see man page/google), a limitation to the max file size of your filesystem (see OS documentation) or a problem with ulimits (/etc/security/limits.conf or something similar).