need help with html button

Hello everyone, I am trying to implement an html button that will call a script and pass two arguments "perl 1" this is for a search results page on a php spider called "sphider". the variable $url? is the url and Than needs to be one of the arguments in calling the script. the code is as shown

<?php if ($domain_name==$last_domain && $merge_site_results == 1 && $domain == "") {?>
<div class="idented">
<?php }?>
<b><?php print $num?>.</b> <?php print $weight?>
<a href="<?php print $url?>" class="title"> <?php print ($title?$title:$sph_messages['Untitled'])?></a> </a> <INPUT TYPE=button ID=btnadd VALUE="Add to Filter" onClick="cgi-bin/ADMIN/CONFIG/"
<div class="description"><?php print $fulltxt?></div>
<div class="url"><?php print $url2?> - <?php print $page_size?></div>
<?php if ($domain_name==$last_domain && $merge_site_results == 1 && $domain == "") {?>
[ <a href="<?php print 'search.php?query='.quote_replace(addmarks($query)).'&search=1&results='.$results_per_page.'&domain='.$domain_name?>">More results from <?php print $domain_name?></a> ]
</div class="idented">
<?php }?>

I know the script works because it can be executed with "perl 3" any help would be much appreciated