Need help with du output interpretation

On Ubuntu 18.04 I was checking on my log sizes using du -sh and I can't quite understand what du tells me, please see my screen snippet below:

# I am in the logs directory and show total number of bytes (5th column in my ls-l output is file size in bytes)
logs$ ls -l |awk '{tot+=$5;} END{ print tot}'  
# I moved one level up and use du -s feature to show total disk space occupied by logs directory (slight discrepancy with above as the logs are being written into all the time):
logs$ cd ..
service$ du -sb logs
8334585063      logs
# the same but in "humanly readable" format, which I tend to use most often
service$ du -sh logs
1.4G    logs
# or in megabytes:
service$ du -sm logs
1381    logs

I'd expect to see 7.75G, why du shows me this number?

man du refers to several environment variables it depends on, none of them are set:

, , ,

Any pointers would be appreciated.

But it does:

[~] 0 $ echo 8333848518 | awk '{print ($1 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)}'

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


The only coherent output is between -m and -h, with -b beeing WAY more...


On second thought... filesize and used diskspace are 2 incredible different things!
If you have say a (ok i might fail on the proper terminology) cluster size of 64kb, and say 10 logfiles of 1kb each.. each uses a 'full' cluster.

So they have only a size of 10kb, but use diskpace of 640kb.

Then again... it was 'proper' using -sb, so I dont know..

Well, I'm sorry but gn8, its 2am here :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

man du says -b is apparent size that can differ from the block size.
Do you have a "core" file or other sparse file there?

No core files, only plain textual log files created by out application using log4j

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