need help with cygwin installation

Hi all,
I am new to this group and only have some basic knowledge of Linux. Does anyoone in the group have experience with installing and setting up cygwin which is needed along with the secure shell for performing remote login operations.

My problem description is as follows:

Client Machine OS: Windows XP professional
Server OS: Linux

Problem Description: Based on instructions provided for setting up along with login information from the server, I was supposed to download secure shell from and cygwin from (currently website seems temporarily offline).

I downloaded both these software and have since installed them. After adding the location of cygwin software on to the General path Environment Variable.

I was asked to run the command:
xwin.exe -multiwindow -clipboard

to open xwindows emulator screen.

But when I tried this I got the following error Message:

xwin.exe- Entry point not found
The procedure entrypoint__getreent could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll

I am not able to figure out what I am doing wrong or if there is an extra step that I need to perform for this to work.

Can anyone help me?

Will Look forward eagerly to your emails.


Maybe this link will help?

Make sure you install every package you need: there are lots now - maybe 1.5GB of software!

On the screen that lets you choose packages, if you click on the icon to the right of "All" category, or on the word "Default", you can change "Default" to "Instal;l", which means install everything.

You need to have passwords and groups set up properly.
Run "mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd; mkpasswd -d >> /etc/passwd"
Also run "mkgroup -l > /etc/group; mkgroup -d >> /etc/group"

Run the script: ssh-host-config to configure ssh.

Use ssh -Y when logging into a Unix system, not ssh -X.

When you're starting X, there are more options than in a normal Unix system. In particular, -multiwindow means use Windows as your window manager - so if you have another window manager in your ~/.xinitrc file, it'll bail out.