Need help with csv filtering

Hello everyone, i am stuck with a task i was meant to do so i came here. So i have a .csv file which structure is :


I want to note that it is in fact ";" not a space, which
a new file named <old-name>-new.txt, the first line must

contain year and temperature separated by a space, also to
transfer the rows in which year interval is 2007-2013 and
temperature interval is 28-35. I am stuck at this problem
for several hours, i know how to solve the problem with awk
if there were more columns, not 1. Sorry for bad English.

Hi Needhelp123,
Welcome to the UNIX & Linux Forums.

Is this a homework assignment? Homework and coursework questions can only be posted in the Homework & Coursework subforum under special homework rules.

Please review the rules, which you agreed to when you registered, if you have not already done so.

If this is not a homework assignment, please explain the company you work for and the nature of the problem you are working on.

If you did post homework in the main forums, please review the guidelines for posting homework and repost.

If this is not a homework assignment, please also tell us what operating system you're using and what shell you're using. (The capabilities provided by awk vary somewhat from system to system and it wastes our time and yours if we make suggestions that won't work on your system.)

Also please give us a sample input file (including its filename) and the output you hope to produce from that input file (including its filename). It would be a good idea to have sample that input would test all of the conditions your code is supposed to use to determine whether or not a line of input should be copied to the output. (And, remember to surround the sample input and output with CODE tags.)

There is not one column, there are three. Note that with awk, the separator can be any string. It doesn't need to be a string of spaces. See the -F option of awk.