Need Help with Archived UNIX/Linux IBM (UniVerse) Database

I have an old database that ran on UNIX/LINUX that was archived and stored years ago. We currently run on Windows and have no way to open/view this database or recover data. Does anyone have any experience or know how to recover? All I know is that it was a UniVerse IBM product.


Maybe this will help you?

IBM UniVerse and UniData

IBM sold the whole "U2" business to Rocket in 2009. Since then UniVerse and UniData are part of the Rocket U2 DMBS management suite.

If you have the database stored in a "native" UniVerse format you might have necessary accompanying information (i.e. data dictionary, etc. which perhaps is called differently there as UniVerse is a No-SQL database) within the archive. If not you need this accompanying information because the data itself might not help you without documentation about what the tables contents are and how they connect.

Rocket sells its U 2 suite also for Windows so it should be possible to set up such a system and restore the archive there.

I hope this helps.
