need help using scp on putty

I am trying to download a file from my server onto my Win XP Pro machine using the scp command in putty, but am having problems.

I tried this:
scp filename-to-download c:\temp

But it says:
c: Name or service not known

Any help would be appreciated.

this won't work with putty cause windows has no sshd. download a program like "winscp" to do scp with a windows machine.

You'll have to tell it where to download the file from (as good as PuTTY already is, it's not psychic yet):

pscp user@server:/path/to/file c:\temp

I tried that and still get the same error... it does not seem to recognize that C: is a drive on my machine.

I don't know what sshd is, but this could be why it is not working!!! I usually use FileZilla, but I noticed that using Putty (ssh) to upload large files instead of FileZilla was noticeably faster, and I wanted to see if it was faster when downloading as well! But if you can't do it, then it is definitely not faster!


you connect to a unix machine over the sshd (secure shell daemon). this is the service that handles the remote (ssh with putty) login. also it handles the scp (secure copy) protocol...