need help using one variable multiple times

I apologize for the title but I am not even sure myself what to call this. I am going to use an example of a pizza delivery. I need to make an interactive script that allows users to order a certain number of pizzas, and then choose what they want on each pizza. Here is my code so far....


#Set variable for number of pizzas
read -p "How many pizzas would you like to order?  " VarPizza

#Loop until user enters vaild tag number
until echo $VarPizza | grep -sq "^[+]*[0-9][0-9]*$" 
read -p "Please enter a valid integer " VarPizza

#This is where I need help. This needs to loop however many times, based on the amount of pizzas someone orders. So if $VarPizza = needs to loop 3 times so they can choose what is on the pizza

while true [ $VarPizza ]
read -p "What toppings would you like" Toppings

This is the part I am unsure of. I need to know how to have a loop that stores each "topping". Would I use an array? Thanks in advance for any help


while [[ 0 -lt $VarPizza ]]
  read -p "What toppings would you like" Toppings
   (( VarPizza = $VarPizza - 1 ))

(Indenting inside of loops is highly recommended)

Also, for validating the input, you can save a call to man grep (linux) with:

until [[ "$VarPizza" = [1-9]+([0-9]) ]]

This also prevents someone from entering "0" for the number of pizzas.