Need help on inserting data from text file to excel using shell script


Please help me on this.

I want to insert data from text file to excel using shell script

nawk -v r=4 -v c=4 -v val=$a -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}; NR != r; NR == r {$c = val; print}' "file.csv"

I used above one to insert $a value in 4th row, 4th column in an excel file.csv and it worked.

Now my problem is, i have a data like below...


I want to insert all 3 lines in a single cell i.e., 4th row, 5th column using shell/awk script.

Please help me.


I'm not sure CSV can accommodate this, CSV is one line per row.

How about something like the following?



while read line; do
    row+=$(echo "$line" | tr '\n' ' ')
done < input_file.txt

nawk -v r=4 -v c=5 -v val="$row" -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}; NR != r; NR == r {$c = val; print}' "file.csv"

Thanks Zoite,

It worked...
but instead of row+=$(echo "$line" | tr '\n' ' ')
i wrote row="$row $line"

Problem solved, Thanks for the solution.