Need help in using scp command

Hi all,

I want to copy files from unix server to another unix server with out any password. Can some one please explain me the steps involved in achieving this with the actual commands and the sequence of commands i details.

I tried my luck ith below procedure but it was not working.

# mkdir ~/.ssh
# ssh-keygen -t dsa
HP-UX Secure Shell generates the key pairs id_rsa and and stores them in the $HOME/.ssh directory

Now i copied the to another unix server. and used the folllowing command.

cat .ssh/ | ssh -l scpuser 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

Please let me know where i am going wrong. Also when i am using the scp command using the below syntax, after entering @ the prompt is immediately going to next line. Dont know why .

scp -p <source file name> username@hostname:&lt;destination folder on remote machine.>

Thank you in advance

The key has to be in authorized keys BEFORE you try any scp/ssh commands

Plus .ssh should have 700 protections on the remote server, the keyfile 600.