Need help in restarting process

Hi friends,

I have one unix command which is used to check the network status manually.
followig is the command


this command give follwoing status

Network 1 is ok
    Network 2 is ok
    network 3 is ok
    network 4 is ok
    Network 10 is ok

Sometimes, command


does not give any output and hanges at that moment. I need to press ctrl+c to come back to server command prompt
After that i restart network handler process by command

 restart ntework_all

After that command


gives correct output as above.

Now, I want to automate this task by writting shell script.
1) Script should check netwok status ater regular interval (lets say 20 mins)
2) if command


dont give any output and hanged. Then it should come out from hanged state (Similler to pressing ctrl+c) and restart network handler processes by

restart ntework_all

. and check network status again
3) After restart it should send mail to me saying "Network Handler has been restarted at <Time> "

This might get you started - this version ignores any output from check_Network and only restarts if check_Network times out.

You could redirect the output of check_Network to a file and process the file at the bottom of this script checking for other conditions that require a restart.

I'd suggest running this script every 20min from cron rather that having it sleep and loop all the time.


command_timeout () {
   [ -d /proc/$check_pid ] || exit
   kill $check_pid
   wait $check_pid 2> /dev/null
   restart ntework_all
   echo "Network Handler has been restarted at $(date)" | mail -s "Network Handler"

check_Network > /dev/null 2>&1 &

# Setup alarm for TIMEOUT_SECS that calls command_timeout
trap command_timeout SIGALRM
(sleep $TIMEOUT_SECS; kill -ALRM $parent_pid ) &

#wait for check_Network to finish
wait $check_pid 2> /dev/null

# We are back so cancel alarm
[ -d /proc/$alarm_pid ] && kill $alarm_pid

I run this script and seems that there are some issues with PID when it attempt to kill. It remain hanged after below output. I need to press ctrl+c to come out to command prompt.

Unix_buzz:>kill: 8182: The specified process does not exist.

But it seems that, timout factor is working fine. Because after 20 seconds,it immediately try to attempt the kill <PID>
I appreciate your help in this matter.

My guess is you pressed ctrl+c before the 20 second timeout. If 20 seconds is too long (ie your inclined to press ctrl+c earlier that than) reduce the time, perhaps 5 seconds is a better fit for this command.

No. i dont pressed ctrl+c before 20 seconds.. Seems that there are some issues with PID only.

is it possible to use any other method to get PID,instaead of using $! and $$ signs.

No. What shell are you running this in?

Of course this check_Network is a black box and could be spawning multiple other background processes, and it's one of those that's getting stuck.

When you manually clean up how do you find the PIDs ? Can you paste a ps listing of the stuck processes.

I am using ksh.

when there is problem in checking network status i get following blank output
after that i press ctrl+c on keyboard. to come-out to command prompt



I mean to say, when check_network is hanged, i am unable to to anything untill i press ctrlc+c.

As previously stated, check_network is a blank box and we don't know what's inside it. Could you tell us what's inside it? Or is it a binary app?