Need help in parsing an input in perl

I am executing a command it is returning me something like this

name ip port 
http-listener-1 * 6712 
http-listener-2 * 8709

I have a subroutine getListenerName($porttobeChecked)

This subroutine returns me the name of the listener if i pass a port.

Eg:If $porttobechecked=6712 I want to return an array a[0]=TRUE and a[1]=http-listener-1(listener name)

If port to be checked is 4516..I want to return an array a[0]=FALSE and a[1]=null

How can i parse this output.Any help appreciated?

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

sub getListenerName {
    my $port = shift;
    my @a = ();
    open F, "< file";
    while (<F>) {
        if (/([^ ]*).+?$port/) {
            $a[0] = "TRUE";
            $a[1] = $1;
        else {
            $a[0] = "FALSE";
            $a[1] = "null";
    close F;
    return @a;

my @x = &getListenerName (6712);
print "@x\n";
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TI am getting this output as array @outputarray also output is dynamic the name and port can change .How can i parse this where
outputarray[0]=name ip port
outputarray[0]=http-listener-1 * 6712

I've assumed that the below data is stored in a file.

name ip port
http-listener-1 * 6712
http-listener-2 * 8709

Is it not?

Its coming as array @outputarray

Pardon me for mistake I am beginner in perl

outputarray[0]=name  ip  port 
outputarray[2]=http-listener-1  *   6712
outputarray[3]=http-listener-2  * 4743

I can also get the output array as like below if above is difficult to parse

outputarray[0]=http-listener-1  *             6712
outputarray[1]=http-listener-2  *           4743