Need help in deleting old files from a ftp server


I'm quite new to unix and perl scripting and need to write a script to delete files older than 7 days from a remote ftp server. Unix or Perl script would do...

I wrote the following code:

use File::Basename;
use Net::FTP;
#use Net::FTP::File;
my $verbose = 0;
my $proxy = @ARGV[0];
my $host  = @ARGV[1];
my $ftpuser = @ARGV[2];
my $ftppass = @ARGV[3];
my $remoteDir = @ARGV[4];
my $filetoDelete = @ARGV[5];
my $ftp=Net::FTP->new($host,
           Debug => 0,
           Passive => 0,
           Hash => ($verbose ? \*STDOUT : undef),
           FirewallType => 1,
           Firewall => $proxy,
   ) or exit(1);
   $ftp->login($ftpuser,$ftppass) or exit(2);
if ( $remoteDir ne "/" )
   $ftp->cwd($remoteDir) or exit(3);
   print $remoteDir;
@files=$ftp->ls or exit(4);
foreach(@files) {
     print "$_ \n";
     $ftp->delete($_) ;

I'm not able to find a way to identify files of pattern aaa* that are older than 7 days. Unix and Perl gurus, please help...



Any help would be greatly appreciated... I'm totally stuck with this... Any other approaches to achieve the same are also welcome...

Thanks in advance,


Even I am very new to scripting however i tried this in my local network and its working.

Iam not sure whether it will work with your requirement but it will give you an idea.

One of our application writes logs to the system as shown below:

bash-2.03$ pwd
bash-2.03$ ls -lrt Application*
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    34752530 Jan  8 23:59 Application.log.Thu
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    5179052 Jan  9 23:59 Application.log.Fri
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    8420980 Jan 10 23:59 Application.log.Sat
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    2993389 Jan 11 23:59 Application.log.Sun
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    13932907 Jan 12 23:59 Application.log.Mon
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    15685534 Jan 13 23:59 Application.log.Tue
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    360387803 Jan 14 23:59 Application.log.Wed

Now in order to zip these files or delete it i set the following script as cron job at every 00:00 hrs.


i=`ls |grep "\.log.[a-zA-Z]\{3,3\}$ |wc -l` //here iam grepping any char and minimum of 3 char as Mon, Tue etc..

	if [ 0 -ne $i]
		rm $INSTALL_DIR/*.log.???
		#gzip -f9 $INSTALL_DIR/*.log.???


Thanks for the reply, imas. This won't work for me as I'm trying to delete old files from a ftp server. ftp doesn't support grep and find command that's why I tried to write a PERL script for the same... But seems like PERL ftp also has these limitations...

Thanks anyways... Really appreciate it....


Why not write a cron job that removes the old files.. easy to do with a shell script.

find . -type f -mtime +7 | xargs rm -vf

Just an example of course.

Oh haha, I forgot to tell you.. that yeah perl does have a find command.

Perl is a great language (core), but mostly you have to use modules for a large amount of functionality.

Below are two links (even the servers I work on have these, so you should have them) to the Find::* type modules. The second one is pretty damn helpful. :slight_smile:

File::Find - Traverse a directory tree. -
File::Find::Rule - Alternative interface to File::Find -

Thanks for the reply, Rhije! But again I'm not sure if this would work for me... I need to do the following:

  1. Connect to a remote FTP server.
  2. Find all the files with names aaa* older than 7 days on the remote server.
  3. Delete these old files.

Earlier when I tried some other FILE features, what it does is gives me list of files on my local machine... I wanted to know if there is a way to get the list of old files from the remote ftp server...

Thanks again for replying...


You can't tell the FTP server to only list the old files, no. You could tell it to list a directory and filter out any new files. The exact information ftp returns for a directory listing is implementation-dependent.

Thanks Corona688! I guess I'll have to come up with a work around to get this done... I'm planning to do the following...

  1. Login to the remote FTP server.
  2. Get the directory listing into a file on my local machine.
  3. Disconnect from the FTP server.
  4. Using the list file, identify the matching old files that need to be deleted.
  5. Connect to the ftp server and delete those files.

I'll let you guys know how it works out... Thanks for all your replies...


Hi Arun,

I wondered if you have had any success with this?
I am facing the exact same requirement, where I need to delete old log files from a remote server via FTP as I only have FTP access to the server in question.


In my case, we had a daily job that would download new files from the remote ftp server and then place it in an archive directory in local machine after processing those files. Since identifying old files from a remote ftp server was quite tricky, I wrote a script that deleted the old files from ftp server using the following logic:

  1. Created a list of all the old files by going to the archive directory on my local machine.
  2. Used this list to delete the old files from the remote ftp server.

Served my purpose! Not sure if this helps you...


Thanks for the quick reply Arun. I think I will have to use a similar approach.

Let me know if you need any help. I can provide you with the scripts I developed for this if you want...


That would be a great help if you could send me the scripts you developed. Thank you so much.

FYI, My job has the following 2 components:

  1. remoteFtpServerCleanUp.ksh: Goes through the local archive directory and creates a list of all the old files that need to be deleted. Then it internally calls '' for eac file that needs to be deleted.
  2. Connects to the remote ftp server and deletes the requested file.

You can customize the scripts as per your requirements.


remoteFtpServerCleanUp.ksh -f -u myuser -p mypswd -l /data/mylocaldirectory -m "myfilepattern*.txt" -r 2
-f Remote FTP server name
-u Remote FTP server user name
-p Remote FTP server password
-l Local archive directory
-m File pattern that needs to be deleted
-r Retention period


#                                                                                  #
#  Script Name : remoteFtpServerCleanUp.ksh                                        #
#  Date        : 26-Jan-2009                                                       #
#  Developer   : Arun Kumar                                                        #
#  Description :                                                                   #
#                                                                                  #

# Initialize all the variables
. /datapool/mlbdba/mlbdba_crontab_env

# Defined constant values
typeset UTIL_FILE_DIR="${HOME}/files/utilities"
typeset TEMP_DIR="${HOME}/remoteFtpServerCleanUp"
typeset PROXY_SERVER=""
typeset DB_MAIL_GROUP=""
typeset LOG_FILE=""

PGM_NAME=`basename $0`
BASENAME=`echo $PGM_NAME|cut -f1 -d "."`
LOG_FILE=${TEMP_DIR}/${BASENAME}.`date '+%m%d%Y'`.log.$$

USAGE="remoteFtpServerCleanUp.ksh -f <Remote FTP Server> -u <FTP User> -p <FTP password> -d [Remote FTP directory] -l <Local directory> -m <Local file match pattern> -r <Retention period in days>"

#Variable declaration
typeset -i exitStatus=0
typeset remoteFtpServer=""
typeset ftpUserNm=""
typeset ftpPassword=""
typeset remoteFtpDirectory=""
typeset localDirectory=""
typeset fileMatchPattern=""
typeset -i retentionPeriod=0
typeset -i cutOffPeriod=30

# Main program starts here

echo "Starting ${PGM_NAME}..." >> ${LOG_FILE}

# Initial Level Validations start here

echo "Starting initial level validations..." >> ${LOG_FILE}

# Check to make sure all the 5 mandatory options/arguments
# are passed in the command-line
if [[ $# -lt 5 ]]; then
   echo "Incorrect number of arguments passed in the command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Incorrect number of arguments passed in the command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

# Read the option argument values from the commandline.
while getopts :f:u:p:d:l:p:m:r: optVal
do      case "$optVal" in
        f)      remoteFtpServer="$OPTARG";;
        d)      remoteFtpDirectory="$OPTARG";;
        p)      ftpPassword="$OPTARG";;
        u)      ftpUserNm="$OPTARG";;
        l)      localDirectory="$OPTARG";;
        m)      fileMatchPattern="$OPTARG";;
        r)      retentionPeriod="$OPTARG";;

#Verify if the remote ftp server name was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${remoteFtpServer} ]];
   echo "Remote FTP server name was not provided in command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Exiting process"
   echo "Remote FTP server name was not provided in command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

if [[ ! -d ${BASE_DIR} ]]; then
   mkdir -p ${BASE_DIR}

export LOG_FILE=${BASE_DIR}/${BASENAME}.`date '+%m%d%Y'`.log.$$
cat ${OLD_LOG_FILE} >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f ${OLD_LOG_FILE}

#Verify if the ftp user name was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${ftpUserNm} ]];
   echo "FTP user name was not provided in command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Exiting process"
   echo "FTP user name was not provided in command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

#Verify if the ftp password was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${ftpPassword} ]];
   echo "FTP password was not provided in command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Exiting process"
   echo "FTP password was not provided in command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

#Verify if the database name was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${remoteFtpDirectory} ]];
   echo "FTP server directory name was not provided in command-line."
   echo "Default FTP server directory name to /"

#Verify if the ftp password was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${localDirectory} ]];
   echo "Local directory was not provided in command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Exiting process"
   echo "Local directory was not provided in command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

#Verify if the ftp password was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${fileMatchPattern} ]];
   echo "File matching pattern was not provided in command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Exiting process"
   echo "File matching pattern was not provided in command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

#Verify if the ftp password was passed in the command-line
if [[ -z ${retentionPeriod} || ${retentionPeriod} -le 0 ]];
   echo "Valid Retention period was not provided in command-line."
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE"
   echo "Exiting process"
   echo "Valid Retention period was not provided in command-line." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "USAGE : $USAGE" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   exit 1;

echo "Finished initial level validations..." >> ${LOG_FILE}

echo "remoteFtpServer		:       ${remoteFtpServer}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "ftpUserNm		:       ${ftpUserNm}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
#echo "ftpPassword		:       ${ftpPassword}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "remoteFtpDirectory	:       ${remoteFtpDirectory}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "localDirectory		:       ${localDirectory}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "fileMatchPattern	:       ${fileMatchPattern}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "retentionPeriod		:       ${retentionPeriod}" >> ${LOG_FILE}

# Initial Level Validations end here

oldFileNameList=${BASENAME}.`date '+%m%d%Y'`.lst.$$

# Create a list of all the sql
echo "find ${localDirectory} -name '${fileMatchPattern}' -type f -mtime +${retentionPeriod} -mtime -${cutOffPeriod} | grep -v '${localDirectory}/.*/' > ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}.tmp" >> ${LOG_FILE}
eval "find ${localDirectory} -name '${fileMatchPattern}' -type f -mtime +${retentionPeriod} -mtime -${cutOffPeriod} | grep -v '${localDirectory}/.*/' > ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}.tmp"

if (( ${exitStatus} != 0 )); then
   echo "No files to be removed...." >> ${LOG_FILE}
   echo "Exiting process" >> ${LOG_FILE}
   rm -f ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}.tmp 
   exit 0;

# Create a new list file having only the filename and stripping the absolute path 
# based on the temporary list file created in the step above

while read myAbsFileName
  basename ${myAbsFileName} >> ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}
done < ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}.tmp

cd ${BASE_DIR}

# Call the perl script to connect to the remote ftp server and delete the old files
# from the ftp server based on the list of files created above.
#echo " ${PROXY_SERVER} ${remoteFtpServer} ${ftpUserNm} ${ftpPassword} ${remoteFtpDirectory} ${oldFileNameList}" >> ${LOG_FILE}

${UTIL_FILE_DIR}/ ${PROXY_SERVER} ${remoteFtpServer} ${ftpUserNm} ${ftpPassword} ${remoteFtpDirectory} ${oldFileNameList} >> ${LOG_FILE}

case ${exitStatus} in
    echo "************************************************" >> ${LOG_FILE}
    echo "Cannot connect to ${remoteFtpServer}..." >> ${LOG_FILE}
    echo "Please check ${remoteFtpServer} availability!" >> ${LOG_FILE}
    exit 1;;
    echo "************************************************" >> ${LOG_FILE}
    echo "Cannot login to ${remoteFtpServer}..." >> ${LOG_FILE}
    echo "Please check the ftp user and password info." >> ${LOG_FILE}
    exit 1;;
    echo "************************************************" >> ${LOG_FILE}
    echo "Cannot access ${remoteFtpDirectory} on server ${remoteFtpServer}..." >> ${LOG_FILE}
    echo "Please check the ftp location name and permissions." >> ${LOG_FILE}
    exit 1;;
    echo "Old files successfully deleted from ${remoteFtpServer}." >> ${LOG_FILE};;

rm -f ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}.tmp ${BASE_DIR}/${oldFileNameList}

echo "${PGM_NAME} finished processing..."
echo "${PGM_NAME} finished processing..." >> ${LOG_FILE}

# Main program ends here
exit 0

use File::Basename;
use Net::FTP;
my $verbose = 0;
my $proxy = @ARGV[0];
my $host  = @ARGV[1];
my $ftpuser = @ARGV[2];
my $ftppass = @ARGV[3];
my $remoteDir = @ARGV[4];
my $lstOfFiletoDelete = @ARGV[5];
open (MYFILE, $lstOfFiletoDelete);
my $ftp=Net::FTP->new($host,
           Debug => 0,
           Passive => 0,
           Hash => ($verbose ? \*STDOUT : undef),
           FirewallType => 1,
           Firewall => $proxy,
   ) or exit(1);
   $ftp->login($ftpuser,$ftppass) or exit(2);
if ( $remoteDir ne "/" )
   $ftp->cwd($remoteDir) or exit(3);
   print $remoteDir;

print "Starting deletion of files from server $host ... \n";
open (MYFILE, $lstOfFiletoDelete);
while (<MYFILE>) 
   print "Deleting file: $_\n";
   $ftp->delete($_) or print "$_ not deleted or not found... \n";
close (MYFILE); 


As per your requirement . Probably you can try the below code

echo "user userid Passwd"  ( to provide the crendentials to login)
echo "cd locationofdirectorywherethe file recides"
echo "rm filname"
echo "bye"
} > pwd/filename  (where pwd is present working directory
ftp -n "ipaddress"  ( ip address  of which you want to login) 
sleep 3
} < pwd/filename
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