Need help in adding missing tag in php pages

I am still a newbie on ssh but trying hard.
my friends website was hit by some virus which included a long encrypted malware code on each and every php file she had.

I was able to use sed command via ssh to remove the malware codes but now most pages don't have a opening <?php tag.

i made a copy of pages and tried many options but some or most files are not getting <?php at the start of the *.php page.
sed command i used removed the malware matching string but didn't left any space on start of files.

Can someone please help me with this.

many thanks for your time.

Please, try:

perl -i -npe '$_="<?php\n$_" if $. == 1 and not /^<\?php/; $.=0 if eof' *.php

It will convert a php file content from this:

echo readfile("webdictionary.txt");

to this:

echo readfile("webdictionary.txt");
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You may want to share your sed script to identify where the <?php lead in was removed.

A sed solution for your problem:

sed '1 {/<?php/b;s/^/<?php/}' file >TMP  && mv TMP file
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Thanks Aia & RudiC

RudiC your code says
sed: can't read file: No such file or directory

showing 2 screenshots

the malware code I removed using sed
find . -name "*.php" -exec sed -i '/isset/d' {} \;

but after removal <?php tag got missing
below is start of processed page after sed

earlier it was

Replace "file" with your actual file name (which you did not provide!).

Thanks again

there are 200+ files in each folder :frowning:

anything which does this in folder tree or global inside /home/user

---------- Post updated at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:50 PM ----------

works like a charm Thanks :D;)
but haven't checked it thoroughly

As all the backup my friend has is also infected with malware copy, she cannot afford to loose the only working copy online.

I am going to test this for next few hours before i run it on LIVE server.

---------- Post updated at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:55 PM ----------

RudiC: can you please share your expertise and tell why this code didn't worked like it was supposed to be

grep -Lr --include=*.php "<?php" /home/path/ | xargs sed -i "1s/^/<?php \n/"

That would delete any lines, regardless of how long, that contains the string insset in its content, and it would do it in the input file. Since <?php is part of that line it will disappear.
The following would had done what it appears you wanted, leaving a <?php intact.

sed -i '/isset/c\<?php'

Of course, if there are other lines in the middle of the file with the string isset, it would replace it with <?php which might not be what you want.
Another way would be to find more about the isset block and craft an appropriate regex. Using your example:

sed -i 's/if(!isset.*$//'
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Love to - if you tell me how you supposed it to work and what it really did.

---------- Post updated at 20:44 ---------- Previous update was at 20:43 ----------

... optimally backed by sample data ...

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I am newbie, but someone who was suggesting me a way to include it in all pages, suggest that

I would be happily get enlightened if you can tell whats wrong in it and how would you do it with perl for all folder under.