Need help for updating the folder

Hello Expert,

is there any command through which i can update/replace the folder after every two months.

lets say i have folder


created on 01/01/2011

I need to update it on 31/03/2011

Please help me to get the logic :confused:


What u mean by updating folder? do mean renaming the folder?


No I mean to say that on 31/03/2011 it should be updated, I will write a script which will put some data in that folder.

But it should done after every 3 or 2 month, my problem is how do i calculate 2 month....

Please help

The following command will run the script on the first day of 3rd and 5th month .This needs to be used in crontab.

0 0 1 3,5 * /home/nua7/