need help for removing SAN LUNS on solaris 9


I would like to remove SAN luns from system and do not want them even after system reboot,

Searching for disks...done

df -kh

I know last 4 partitions are from SAN but there could be more.

Can someone please help me correct steps to remove SAN Luns.

vxdisk list

cfgadm -al

cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev

luxadm -e port

ls -la /dev/cfg

I have already stopped Application and oracle running on this system.

now I want to unmount partitions (only from SAN) and remove any configuration for SAN so that reboot will not show the disks or try to mount.

Please help!


that should work:
umount them and then issue this command:
# cfgadm -o force_update -c unconfigure c4::5006016130206b9d
# cfgadm -o force_update -c unconfigure c4

and the same for every controller. it that doesn't work, just disconnect the cables, then you will see:
c4::5006016130206b9d,0 disk connected configured unusable

when it is marked as "unusable" you can use that:
# cfgadm -o unusable_FCP_dev -c unconfigure c4::5006016130206b9d

to remove the "dev" entries, you should also use:
# devfsadm -Cv

kind regards

  • pressy

Thanks a lot! Pressy, I will let you know how it goes.:b: