Need Help!!! For changing the content of the line

I need to change the content of the line after I grep it.

The line is :

Date SNWD.I-1 (in)  WTEQ.I-1 (in)  PREC.I-1 (in)  TOBS.I-1 (degC)  TMAX.D-1 (degC)  TMIN.D-1 (degC)  TAVG.D-1 (degC) 

I want to change the second column (SNWD.I-1(in)) to SNWD.I-1(m), how could I do that?

I use csh script.


Let awk "grep" it and change it as well -

awk '$2=="SNWD.I-1(in)"  {$2="SNWD.I-1(m)"} {print $0}'  inputfile > newfile 

There are a couple typos in that awk command. First, he has a space between 'SNWD.I-1' and '(in)', so he'll have to change the third field, not second. And the print statement should be inside the previous action, not as a separate one (thus printing each line). Something like this:

 awk '$2=="SNWD.I-1" {$3="(m)"; print $0}'