Need good parental software for Mac

My parents want to monitor my little brothers (10 year old) internet activity for a couple of weeks to check out who he talks to on IM and everything. I suggested a keylogger for mac, but not familiar with it.........Is there a better program?
If so or If not, is there any program you recommend?

Yes! me too I need that!

Parental controls will do some of what you want. For more sophisticated choices, try Googling "parental controls for Mac" and there are literally over a million references.

Respect the privacy of your young brother. A key logger is malware and shoudn't be installed.

Ill give you my favorite ,

use IPFW , squid and squidguard combo with Shalla Secure Services KG

basically divert any request against "yourblacklist" allow deny.
you can also create REGex patterns for custom expressions.
can man mangle a hostfile in /etc to add confusion.