Need BIOS drivers for motherboard

Does anyone know a good driver site. If you've heard of or please do not reccomend them because I already know them. I need to know where to get Motherboard drivers for a homemade computer. If there is any info that you need to know feel free to make a reply.


Take a look at your Motherboard. Who is the manufacturer? Best thing to do is to use their drivers. Once you have the manufacturer you can go to their site. Motherboards typically have a series of markings on them. Each manufacturer is a little different but most offer information on their sites on how to read the markings. Once you know what your working with, you will then be able to perform a specific search for drivers matching that motherboard. I would do this before I attempted to download anything from the sites you listed in your poll.

whether you built the computer your self dosnt make a difference. its the mobo manufacturer.

all the computers i build are intel boards. either asus or actual intel boards. no problems with compatability on linux and netbsd.

The customer built the computer. If you need to know the motherboard make it is an abit.

Find the make and model of the Abit Motherboard and download the appropriate drivers from this site

Gee google, thanks. I will help you out if you ever need help.