Need assistance with sed

Hi All,

I need your assistance, I would like to replace all lines beginning with the word "begin" with the below text:

       Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B             
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr     

How this is achievable using sed command line or sed script?
In general, How can I replace a complete line with a certain text?

The below command will only replace the word "begin" but how to replace the complete line:

#sed s/^begin/text/ test.log

Thanks in advance.

Something like:

sed s/^begin.*/text/

Thanks for your quick reply but how about the first example i have highlighted? this is not achievable via command line, it needs sed script to do it. any ideas?

# cat infile
begin this is
this is ...................
that is.................
begin this is
# cat text
       Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
# sed "s/^begin.*/$(sed -e :a -e '$! s/$/\\n/;' -e 'N;s/\n//g' -e 'ta' text)/" infile
      Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
this is ...................
that is.................
      Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
1 Like

Thanks a lot! it worked perfectly :slight_smile: can you explain the command in details please?


sed -e :a -e '$! s/$/\\n/;' -e 'N;s/\n//g' -e 'ta' text

this command's result is

       Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B\nBoard      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr

so we add to newline chr as text '\n' char because sed is expect '\n' char for write (in buffer's) 2.line to as our stdoutput newline. that's all :slight_smile:


Sorry but this command is giving me an error:

#sed -e :a -e '$! s/$/\\n/;' -e 'N;s/\n//g' -e 'ta' header 
Unrecognized command: $! s/$/\\n/;

Hi Dendany83,

Another option if the text you want to replace always contains 2 lines:

cat inputfile
begin this is
this is ...................
that is.................
begin this is
text1="Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B"
text2="Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr"
sed "s/^begin.*/$text1\n$text2/" inputfile
Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
this is ...................
that is.................
Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr

Hope this helps,


It is giving an error:

Label too long: text1="        Device          |             IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B              "
#!/bin/sed -f

text1="        Device          |             IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B              "
text2="Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      "

s/^$/$text1\n$text2\n$text3/ 2.log

where 2.log is:

           9a            60        36           60.0       60        0            0.0
           96            60        35           58.3       55        0            0.0
           92            60        60           100.0      60        60           100.0
           8e            60        35           58.3       60        0            0.0
           9a            60        19           31.6       60        0            0.0
           96            60        20           33.3       54        0            0.0
           92            60        60           100.0      60        60           100.0
           8e            60        20           33.3       60        0            0.0

The idea is that i want to add this header in place of each blank line.

i think you run in solaris or aix or other Unix variants.
if we suppose your system as solaris or other , sed has some limits unfortunately and does not understand what is newline in its..:mad:
if we coold run successfully this, results are useless again.because do not make sense for SED in some systems which i mentioned above.

#sed -e :a -e '$! s/$/\\n/;' -e 'N;s/\n//g' -e 'ta' header 

if you try this in spite of everything for learning this command's output you can try like this (is same but no error :slight_smile: )

# sed -e ':a' -e 'N;$!ba' -e 's/\n/\\n/g' header

However we must a find a solution for Sed Lovers :wink:

I use test four lines in text (as your header) file..

# cat text
       Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
Board1111      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
Board1212121      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
# cat infile
begin this is
this is ...................
that is.................
begin this is

I use the file named text that has contents to add in our infile
main code is below..if you want you can use for as in script file.

xdel=() ; xdel=($(sed -n '/^begin/=' infile))
y=0 ; x=() ; while IFS='\n' read -r line; do x=("${x[@]}" "$line"); ((y++)) ; done <text
cp infile infileorg ; loop=notok;loopinc=notok;wh=1;for i in ${xdel[@]} ; do for j in "${x[@]}" ;do if [ $wh = 1 ] ; then c=c ; else c=a ; fi ; 
if (( $wh > 2 )) ; then ((i++)); fi;if [ $loop = ok ] && [ $loopinc != ok ] ; then (( i = i + y - 1 )) ;loopinc=ok; fi ; sed ''$i' '$c'\
>'"$j"' ' infile>infiletmp ;mv infiletmp infile;((wh++)); done ; wh=1 ;loop=ok ; done; 
echo -e "\n===== Org File(infileorg) =====\n\n$(cat infileorg)\n\n ===== Output File(infile) =====\n\n$(cat infile)\n"

===== Org File(infileorg) =====

begin this is
this is ...................
that is.................
begin this is

 ===== Output File(infile) =====

       Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
Board1111      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
Board1212121      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
this is ...................
that is.................
       Device          |            IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-B
Board      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
Board1111      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr
Board1212121      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr


i think you run in solaris or aix or other Unix variants.
if we suppose your system as solaris or other , sed has some limits unfortunately and does not understand what is newline in its..:mad:
if we coold run successfully this, results are useless again.because do not make sense for SED in some systems which i mentioned above.

#sed -e :a -e '$! s/$/\\n/;' -e 'N;s/\n//g' -e 'ta' header 

if you try this in spite of everything for learning this command's output you can try like this (is same but no error :slight_smile: )

# sed -e ':a' -e 'N;$!ba' -e 's/\n/\\n/g' header

However we must a find a solution for Sed Lovers :wink:

Hi ygemici,

Yes, you are absolutely right, it is working fine on Cygwin but not on Solaris! Now i'm doing my tests on Linux platform (target platform for my project) and it is showing the below result (no errors but the o/p is not fully OK):

# sed "s/^$/$(sed -e :a -e '$! s/$/\\n/;' -e 'N;s/\n//g' -e 'ta' header)/" file1.log
        Device          |             IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-BnBoard      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      n============================================================================================
        Device          |             IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-BnBoard      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      n============================================================================================
#sed "s/^$/$(sed -e ':a' -e 'N;$!ba' -e 's/\n/\\n/g' header)/" file1.log
        Device          |             IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-BnBoard      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      n============================================================================================
        Device          |             IPMB0-A              |             IPMB0-BnBoard      Address      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      |Sent      SentErr      %Errr      n============================================================================================

is there any WA? or it is the same problem of \n? this is the only blocking problem to finalize my script :frowning:

As for the last code you have mentioned, this is completely far from my knowledge :slight_smile: it will take time for me to forget that :smiley: