Need a script for sudo, login and output

Hello All ,

Hope everyone is doing great !

can someone help me for the below problem statement with the help of a script .

  1. I am having couple of Linux Servers
    a. I need to login and need to do a sudo
    b. need to give a user id , which will take to user directory`s homedirectory . ( say homedirectory name is radha )
    c. It shall take me to a command prompt kind of GUI ( which is golden gate , if anyone aware of ) , where i need give a command "info all" then it shall list all the proccess running in that .
    d. then i need to give a command for DATE , which will show the date .
    e. click exit , exit
  2. The o/p from server1 has to come to a notepad in local system .
  3. we need to repeat the step-1 again for server 2 and output has to append to notepad created for server 1
  4. same has to be done for other servers
Sample : 

ssh <server1>

$pbrun bin/su - <sudouser>


radha > info all
process1 running
process2 stopped
process3 running
radha > sh date
radha > exit 

Thanks in advance .

---------- Post updated at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:40 PM ----------

Hi All ,

If an option possible to send email to a DL , that also helps instead of copying to desktop in notepad .



for server in server1 server2
   echo "working on server $server
   ssh $USER@$server "sudo command;date;info all"