Need a good book to learn UNIX Shell Scripting

I'm going to be starting a job in a month or so that I need to brush up on my Unix shell scripting skills. About 15 years ago, I took a college class for Unix shell scripting. I would like to find a good college book again, rather than just going to Amazon and just buying anything.

This is what I'm looking for... I want a book that's layed out so it teaches a chapter of some skill. Then the end of the chapter should have pop quizes, essay questions, some assignments to challenge me to write a shell script using the lessons just taught... etc. I've looked up so many books and it just explains it but doesn't challenge me to use the skills.

I also like a "college" book because typically there's some college instructor that pre-screened it and said it's a good book to their standards.

Does anyone have a book that hits all of those highlights?

Some links might help you

Welcome to The UNIX Grymoire!

Classic Unix Utilities

Date functions by Chris F.A. Johnson

! Dana French Unix Korn Shell Curses Javascript Menu

Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook

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