Need a file from unix directories


I am in a trouble. There is a xml file in some directories in the unix server. i want to edit that in windows mode . please tell me.

suppose that file is at:

so i want to edit that file in unix mode . please tell me the way.

Thanks in advance.


Are you asking how to get the file from (unspecified) Unix to (unspecified) Windows?

If so, then there are many, many possibilities. For example, the Unix system may be running ftp, so you could "ftp unixbox", log in, and possibly get it that way.

The Unix box might be running Samba or a similar app that would let it be seen in your Windows Network Neighborhood.

Or it may have ssh, so you might be able to use pscp ( from PuTTY Download Page )

If none of these will work for you, see Unix Data Transfer Methods and Techniques for more ideas.

I know the server address . but i dont know how to extrct that file from tha location to my computer in windows. do i need to map that drive ?

Which application are you using to transfer files from Unix to Windows??

There are many applications like Putty, F-Secure etc.

Once you log into the Unix host from these applications, you can select the path where you file reside.
Just drag the file into your windows path, where you want the file.
or copy the file to the destination.