Ncurses with Ubuntu

I am new to this programming with ncurses. I want to work out few examples on this ncurses. I jus want to know whether this ncurses works with Ubuntu OS? I found tat ncurses doesn come with AIX OS, may be it could be installed as a SupportPac or something, not sure about it.
Can u please lemme know the working of ncurses with Ubuntu?


I don't have a Ubuntu install to hand to check myself, but I think it is in the software repository.

Your best bet is to load up synaptic and do a search for ncurses

Thanks a lot for ur suggestion.
But i jus wanna know wat is this synaptic if you can jus tell me on.
N how do I use it?? Is it a package which has to be installed n then used?


It's your package manager and the recommended way of loading / removing software from Ubuntu:

Also, Julie

This is not your cell phone. If you have a problem with English, that is one thing, but there are people who come here from all over the world and to read "txt spk" is difficult enough for a native speaker.

Try to formulate your sentences to accommodate everybody.