Naming convention for configuration options

I have a C program that has constants and variables defined in it:

#define MAXBUFFERSIZE 500           // maximum length of statement
char statement[MAXBUFFERSIZE];      // database statement

Then I also have a configuration file with some calculation-specific variables:

# Resolution for cohorts; 100 is 1%, 200 is 0.5% etc
RESOLUTION      = 200

The configuration parser header file will treat this as follows, where 'RESOLUTION' is read in and continues with 'resolution':

if (!strcmp(metric, "RESOLUTION")) resolution = strtof(value, NULL);

So a naming convention is followed: UPPERCASE for constants and configuration options and lowercase for variables. However, for debugging purposes I prefer to have a naming convention that tells me that 'resolution' actually originates from the configuration option and not originally a compiled variable.
I am not using a full-fledged IDE, just a regular text editor.
What would be a best-practice naming convention for the variables coming from the configuration file? Title Case, underscore-appended_, _underscore-prefixed?

if you must ... do as little as possible. ultimately, if it's your code, your realm so do as you prefer. Convention Consistency is keY :wink:

RESOLUTION --> Resolution or resolutioN

Variables from CF file:

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