Nagios Plugin [.sh] not working


I am working on setup a nagios plugin for monitor tomcat instance from tomcat manager.

This is a script file downloaded from

This is working fine when executed as shell by passing variables

[root@monitor ~]# ./check_TomcatApplication --user admin --password password --host --port 8080 --appname DEMO_32

OK: Application DEMO_32 is running!

Now when i configured this as a nagios command in command.cfg this is not working.

define command{
       command_name check_TomcatApplication
       command_line $USER1$/check_TomcatApplication --user $USER13$ --password $USER14$ --host $HOSTADDRESS$ --port $ARG1$ --appname $ARG2$

Below is the lines added in services.cfg of nagios to add the same for host

# check Tomcat Status
define service{
        use                            generic-service
        host_name                      hostname
        service_description            Tomcat Status
        is_volatile                    0
        check_period                   24x7
        max_check_attempts             3
        normal_check_interval          3
        retry_check_interval           1
        contact_groups                 winadmins
        notification_interval          120
        notification_period            24x7
        notification_options           w,u,c,r
        check_command               check_TomcatApplication!8080!DEMO_32

But on UI it says application is not running.

Please help me to figure out this issue

Is it collecting? Maybe between it is 'not running'?

I checked the both parallely but shell script on bash shows exact status of the instance where as when add the same as nagios command it says not running. So might be i am missing something while creating nagios command for this plugin.

The setup seems crazy complex. Maybe you can review this as a checklist; it seems very detailed: Complete Nagios Configuration and NRPE addon Configuration