Nagios Check Website Command help

Hi all, me again....

I am trying to add a website to my nagios checking juggernaught

I am using the script from nagios exchange site called check_website_response (google to find it i am not allowed to post links yet, sorry)

It is in /usr/local/nagios/libexec with the rest of the default plugins

Here is my commands.cfg

# �check_website_responce' command definition
                 Command_name                             check_website_responce
                 Command_line                                 $USER1$/ -u $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ - c $ARG3$

Here is my websites.cfg

 Define service{
                 Use                                        generic-service
                 Host Name                         My Website
                 Service_description        Website Check
                 Check_command             check_website_responce!500!700!mywebsite in correct format but i cant post links yet

 Define Host{
                 Use                                        generic-website
                 Host_name                        My Website
                 Alias                                       My Website
                 Address                               website IP

                 Hostgroups                         Sites - Clients

With this it will return a service status of OK but a host status of DOWN with the following error

RESPONSE: UNKNOWN - Error: Illegal option used
Usage: -w (warning milliseconds) -c (critical milliseconds) -u (url)

I know the $ARG$ variables are working though because if i change the warning time to 2ms the service status changes to WARNING as it took longer to respond.

If i change the commands.cfg and put in values for the $ARG$ but leave the websites.cfg alone as original it works fine

# �check_website_responce' command definition
                 Command_name                             check_website_responce
                 Command_line                                 $USER1$/ -w 300 -c 500 -u mywebsite in correct format but i cant post links yet

This will return both a host and service status of OK and UP.

I cant for the life of me work out whats happening here and its driving me to drink.

Anybody any ideas/ suggestions?

Cheers guys

there is a space between the dash and the c in your original commands.cfg