MYSQL - trigger to track changes to fields on update

So I have a php web application that allows updating of records. I would like to track the changes of only the fields that have changed. There are plenty of how to's that involve recreating the original row in a separate table with an additional time/date stamp column but I think this is a big waste of space.

What I would like to achieve is a changelog table:
FK_id -INT - NOT NULL //PK of the row in the original table
changed_field_name - VARCHAR - NOT NULL
old_value - VARCHAR - NULL //maybe an empty field
new_values - VARCHAR - NOT NULL
timestamp - YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS
FK_user_id - INT - NOT NULL //PK from the user table

The data in the original table consists of various formats including text, varchar, dates, integers - several fields may be updated at the same time, in which case several rows will need to be added to the changelog table. The changelog table will only be used to display the changed data in a form.

I think the best way to achieve this is with a trigger?

any help would be welcome.

Yes, a trigger can preserve the entire row with an end time stamp of when it was removed, removing id, update or delete flag, ... in a side table. Trigger on update and delete. Take it all at first, in case your scope expands later. Naturally, this slows your churn. Having an insert date in your rows is a nice companion to the end date.

You can also do it all in one table, where there is an underlying, unified history table and a current 'status' or 'active' view that hides older rows or old and deleted rows. The rows do not ever get updated or dleted, you have 100% history, and you only insert.