mysql on sol10 x86

i installed the x86 version (32-bit) of mysql community db. looks like the initial install of the pkg was good. however, i've got a few questions here.

after the install, i run `/usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql` to generate the db's and tables. it looks like a clean install of these with no error outputs. next i attempted to start the db. however, when i issue `mysqld_safe --user=mysql &` the mysqld ends. error logs just say "mysqld ends". interestingly, i can start the mysql service via `/usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start`. this says the system comes up successfully.

any clues as to why one start method works over the other?

when i ran the mysql_install_db script, again, it says it completes succesfully. however, i cannot log in to the db with any user (root). i ran `mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &` and saw the schema db, mysql and test dbs. however, no tables are avaiable within any of the dbs. any thoughts??