My script didn't run every run every minute at cronjob

In my cronjob, I would like to schedule my to run every minutes. I crontab -e and have in line below but it didn't seems to run at all.


When I run it manually, I can run it. Is that anything wrong with the above line?

If I change it to something like below, it works.

00 13 * * *

but, I would to run it every minutes.

Probably try..

0-59 * * * *

Sorry my fault, even if I set to run it at specific time, it also didn't run, but I can run it manually. Not sure why.

  1. Please check if 'cron' daemon is running.

  2. If your cronjob is running as a 'user' then should remain at user's home directory. If not your crontab should have the complete path.

Sorry, please ignore my post. I think there is something wrong with my I will look into it first.