My menu function [new code -revised]

Below is my menu options code. It allows user to pick one of two option. I can get the first option to work, because if it is selected it just "breaks" and carries on with the script.

What i want to know is if a user selects option two how do i get that option to ignore all the other script and go to another specific part to carry out other commands??? ( i have indicated the problem by putting ########)

while true; do
    echo " "        
    echo "Main Menu: "
    echo "Please Select An Option Using The Options Provided."
    echo " "        
    echo "1 - Search All Files"
    echo " "        
    echo "2 - Idex Page Information"
        echo " "
        echo "Q - Quit"
        echo " "
        echo "Please enter your option: "
        read CHOSEN_KEY
        case $CHOSEN_KEY in
                [1])    echo " "
            echo "You Have Selected To Search All Files For Hits"
                        break;;                               # By using break i carry on my script which works correctly.
                [2])    echo " "
            echo "You Have Selected To Access Index Page Information"
                Q|q)    echo " "
            echo "Goodbye"

Please don't start a new thread for the same problem.

Please read my post in the original thread (especially the part about organizing the script with functions).

There is not just one "original thread". Here's another where I tried to suggest the same thing:

amatuer_lee_3: if the earlier replies you get are not understandable, please ask about the parts you don't understand, rather than start new mutant threads.

I agree with cfajohnson and era, continue here:\#post302196382

Thread closed.