my first script

I need help writing a script that will use the touch -r in
[CC]ddmmyyyy HH:mm format.

Basically I have to go into a directory and give all of the files their original time stamp, hence the touch -r command. But where to start ?

I was planning on using this:

date=$([CC]ddmmyyyy HH:mm:ss)

grep date /directory/XXX
if date -ne [CC]ddmmyyyy HH:mm:ss 
then touch -r


OR create a loop ??************

for date=03-22-02 /X/xxxx

do touch -r  [CC]ddmmyyyy HH:mm:ss

echo "changing format of date"


what is the best way to come up with something like this ?

thanks so much

Check out the man page for find. And don't post the same question twice in different forums please.

Once you have started building a script and you are having problems, post back.

the reason I posted twice is no one got back to me..

man find ??? I'll try and see..
