My Exam Question

Hello My friends,

This is my new Thread and i am so newbie about Bash/shell code.

My first exam question is : there is a file (name is also File) and this file has 2 letters and 1 number. And number is in the middle. like this
I have to show only number on screen. And i did like this :

cat file | tail -n1 | head -n2

and i can see on my screen "2"

the next question is (it continues) : I have to SUM this number with shell code

and i created new kate file and name is total and wrote there :

c = cat file | tail -n1 | head -n2 

echo $total `expr $c + $c`

but i get "expr :syntax error" ?

How can i sum this number ?

thanks for your helps. Hope so i could explain myself.

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