My digital fingerprints with systemd all over the place

Lucky me, there is this thread or corner, whats on my mind.
As I once complained about systemd, it is in control all over the place, then given an answer about telemetry pings, saying farewell to Debian an still amused how Debian goes into the BSD direction I recently discoverd two or more things about this agnostic approach. Sisyphos is the luckiest guy in ancient history in comparison to that.
The telemetry pings to be disabled in the firefox and it's about:config is a joke in a systemd-distro.
You will find in such a distro


all the hash-sums feeding the number-crunchers of the secret-service. I am not saying Mozilla is the villain, but who needs all this nutrition for the number-crunchers?
In the same folder there you find


So when I first complained about the direction of debian heading for Unix, by making a cron-job I discovered, that there is more in store.


contains already since 2014 the bsdmainutils. But no developer will ever tell you that.
On top of this, as a linux user you may run the bleachbit process deleting and wiping out everything, at a first glance.
But there a still those files mentioned above.
That made it easier as I thought to move over to BSD.
And reading just yesterday about a bug in systemd that is giving an attacker a good chance to conquer your system,
Root-Exploit (CVE-2016-10156) detected by Sebastian Krahmer working for SuSe, found on

Ein Jahr alte Root-Schwachstelle in Systemd aufgetaucht |
heise Security

Well, I am just glad to have left behind such a mean attitude.