My Badges Page - A Major UserCP Update (v0.661):

Another major upgrade on the new UserCP today. I have created the "My Badges" page in the new control panel, and it's looking very cool :slight_smile:

If you have visited the new UserCP recently, you will more-than-likely need to close your browser (completely) and then restart it to clear out the old Javascript from your cache.

Hope you like it! I spend about 6 solid hours on getting the badges grid and all the tooltips to work correctly (I think)!!


Hi Neo...

What can I say, except, terrific!

Great job...


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What can I say?

I am amazing! - LOL :slight_smile: :slight_smile: . Can write full-stack web code like a warm knife slices butter... :slight_smile:

More cool things to come! This is only the beginning, not the end of the new features :slight_smile: