My active tickets will not be available in the cron environment

Hi everybody ,

when I run a script from the command line it works but returns a failure if I run it from crontab.
Basically I wanted to send a file to hdfs,
I thought it was related to the fact that crontab do not know the path to hdfs so I put the full path but it still does not work: here is the piece of code that fails :

/usr/bin/hdfs dfs -put -f  $source_directory/$file $hdfs_target_directory

And here is the error message

put: Failed on local exception: GSS initiate failed 
[Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]; 
 Host Details : local host is: ""; 
destination host is: "":8020;

My interactive environment and my cron environment are different.
my active tickets will not be available in the cron environment.

I need to save the kerberos ticket in such a way my script can pick it up, using kinit in my script.

How to do that ? thanks in advance

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