MVS compression that unix can uncompress

Dear all,

I have been given the opportunity at the last minute to help on a project. There is a need to move some very large files from an MVS machine to an AIX one. The servers are remote with (I think) a 2Meg network pipe between them. The people on the project have been moving small amounts of data and proving that their export/FTP/import works, but they never considered elapse time for the full sized data transfer.

Consequently our window of a weekend to move the data is nowhere near long enough because of the network bottleneck. Would anyone know of a compression tool that runs on MVS that produces files that could be read back by normal unix tools i.e. uncompress or gunzip

I love it when it's suddenly my fault when the FTP is too slow. :wall:

Someone looking after the MVS end is considering PKZip but there is then product to install & licence on AIX too. As the MVS support is outsourced, I'm having trouble finding out who is looking at that, but presumably it's from

I considered PGP as part of the encryption process compresses the data, but I'm struggling to find a source for the MVS tool.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks, in advance,

There is always info-zip (ftp: // or if you use USS you can use pax or tar which can be used for TSO datasets and files.

Best of luck