Multiply whole column with a value

I need to multiply 3rd column (comma seperated) of entire file by a value say 2.2.

Suppose the file is:

C,Gas $ YTD(TRI),15512.36,01/01/2010

New file should be (3rd column value multiplied by 2.2):

C,Gas $ YTD(TRI),34127.192,01/01/2010

Whichever suitable:

awk -F, '{$3=$3*2.2;print}' OFS=, inputFile


awk -F, '{$3=$3*a;print}' a=2.2 OFS=, inputFile


awk -F, '{$3=$3*a;print}' a=$var OFS=, inputFile
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 awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{print $1,$2,$3*2.2,$4 }' file.txt
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awk -F, '{$3=sprintf("%.2f",$3*2.2)}1' OFS=, infile

or if the precision does not need to be fixed:

awk -F, '{$3*=2.2}1' OFS=, infile
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Should be:

awk -F, '{$3=sprintf("%.3f",$3*2.2)}1' OFS=, infile

.2 is only an example. The OP can choose what value he likes...