Multiple process found when executed from script

Hi All,

I came across a weird scenario which i couldnt explain why.
As part of script which is run as /bin/sh shebang, we are trying to check if there is any process that runs with the same name ignoring the current process and kill it.
But for some reason, there are 2 process returned as part of echo and kill command for same process name. But if we do just ps -edf we just get one.

Please find belwo the commands

 echo ` ps -edf | grep process_name | grep -v pattern | grep \? | grep -v grep `
 kill -9 `ps -edf | grep process_name | grep -v  pattern | grep \? | grep -v grep | nawk '{print $2}' | sed "s/$$//g"`

Both the above command returns 2 process(the output of command within ``), one is the current process which is created when the script is executed and the second one comes as a child of the first process but with same command. The second process gets killed forcefully and its causing a failure trigger for my job which uses that script.

If i use below command on the same script, i just get the current process.

ps -edf | grep process_name | grep -v pattern | grep \? | grep -v grep 

Any inputs is highly appreciated


Try the pkill command pgrep also helps

Say the process is running the foo command or any other command or script

pgrep foo   # print the process pid running foo
pkill foo # kill the foo process. 

Obviously you need the privilege to kill the process == you must be root the user