Multiple platform scripts

I'm writing a script system in bash that I want to run on Un*x (SunOS), Linux, and cygwin also.
The scripts starts with the sha-bang #!/bin/bash, but I experienced that the bash interpreter path are different on these platforms.

My question is how can I manipulate the command interpreter line on my scripts
to run on each platform.
(I think to made a setup script to replace the first line in all of my scripts depending on the platform on which I'm running the scripts)
I also tried the:
but if the command interpreter path are not correct in the first line, the OS does not looks for the command interpreter in the second line.

Many thanks beforehand

There may be other ways, but i find it easiest to just do this:

# bash

This should take care of the shebang problem.

yes I know, but I want to launch my scripts in a normal form: params.
Anyway, thanks.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

Yes, you're right thx. It works fine on Linux
But on SunOS the /usr/bin/env bash opens a new subshell, and my script doesn't start
running until I logout from the new shell. (actually no additional terminal is opened, just a shell started in the current terminal)
The newly started shell remains active until I press Ctrl+D one or more times to logout (on several scripts I observed that I need to press ^D three times to logout from the shell), after that the script starts running.

I'm wondering why exactly acts on SunOS in this way....

Anyway, thanks a lot for the suggestion Mr. Johnson

What version of Solaris are you using? cfajohnson's suggestion seems to work ok on Sol10.

SunOS 5.8 on Sparc SunBlade server

env looks up bash in the list of directories specified by the
$PATH environment variable.
On few systems env might not even be in /usr/bin (although its rare). bash might not also be in $PATH variable.

 bash /path/to/script 

is still better in terms of portability , just what i think.

you are right. Probably I will make a wrapper on the top of the entire script system, and I will call the scripts from the wrapper in this way.
Many thanks to everybody.