Multiple exec command s in a script

Hi everyone,

I've been racking my brains for ages on this and need your help/advice.

I am writing a script that is reading in file to process and putting them into a temporary file. The loop starts and the script gets the first file name, does what i needs to do (copy it) and then returns to the top of the loop for the next file. Due to the nature of the system While inside the read line loop I have to get the next sequence number from another file which is generated by an export of an oracle table. This is then appeneded to the filename.
The problem here is that as soon as I try and read in the sequence number any subsequent files are blank. The code im using is

ifdtime=`date +%d%m%y%H%M` ; export ifdtime
LOG_FILE="/test/ohms/jobs/log/if.log" ; export LOG_FILE
LOGDIR="/test/ohms/jobs/log" ; export LOG_DIR
FILESIN=/servintftest/input/orders ; export FILESIN
runtime=`date "+%H:%M"`
rundate=`date "+%d/%m/%y"`

## Functions - the 2 reads are becuase oracle generates a blank line at start

get_seqno ()
exec < /home/interfac/scripts/seq.num;
read mark
read mark
echo $seqno

## Check to see if any files exist if not then abort the interface

if [ `ls -1 /servintftest/input/orders/ORDER* | wc -l` = 0 ]
echo "ERROR: No Files Received"
echo "${ifdtime} : ERROR: No Files Received" >>$LOG_FILE

## Files must exist if we got this far so read all filenames into a temp file

rm $LOGDIR/ohms_files
ls -1 $FILESIN/ORDER*|cut -c28- >> $LOGDIR/ohms_files

## Now that we have the list lets process the files one by one

exec < $LOGDIR/ohms_files;
while read line
set - $line

## Get the last sequence number from the external system table


## Now copy the file but change the filename to ohmsjobs and seq no

echo "Copying file..."
cp -p $FILESIN/$1 /test/ohms/input/ohmsjobs.${seqno}
#cp -p /test/ohms/input/$1 /test/ohms/jobs/backup/ohmsjobs.${seqno}.${ifdtime}
if [ -f /test/ohms/input/ohmsjobs.${seqno} ]
echo "${ifdtime} : OHMS file copied $1 renamed to ohmsjobs.$seqno" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "${ifdtime} : OHMS file copied $1 renamed to ohmsjobs.$seqno"
sleep 5
#rm $FILESIN/$1fi

## Interface must have completed and a backup copy has been taken so delete

#rm /test/ohms/input/$1


Any help you can give would be appreciated


Try changing
exec < $LOGDIR/ohms_files;
while read line

to this
exec 5< $LOGDIR/ohms_files;
while read -u5 line

If that doesn't work, give a few details, like: what system? what os? what shell?

A few things...

if [ -f /test/ohms/input/ohmsjobs.${seqno} ]
There's no closing fi statement (it's commented out).

Since the get_seqno() subroutine is pulling seq.num each time, isn't the value of $seqno going to be the same with each iteration of the loop?

When you say that subsequent files are blank, do you mean that all the files in the ohmsjobs.${seqno} format that you'd expect to be created are created, but they're all empty?

Oh, and just a side note, you can eliminate the second echo command by using tee.. :slight_smile:

echo "${ifdtime} : OHMS file copied $1 renamed to ohmsjobs.$seqno" | tee -a $LOG_FILE